Org Mode Examples

1 Introduction

This page shows some examples. The org source document is here.

2 VERSE   orgmode

VERSE is used to keep the line breaks in a reagin. This is a VERSE:

Great clouds overhead
 Tiny black birds rise and fall
  Snow covers Emacs

  – AlexSchroeder

Notice: As you can see, the starting whitespaces counts.

3 This is a quote   orgmode example

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler – Albert Einstein

Just like a normal paragraph but it is quoted.

3.1 QUOTE Quoted level

This level is quoted


An EXAMPLE is used to include literal examples.

This is an EXAMPLE:

Some example from a text file.

You can also start the example lines with a colon followed by a space:

Some example started with a colon followed by a space.

If example is source code, you can use BEGIN_SRC block instead.

5 Source code

You can always use M-x org-edit-src-code to edit the code block in another buffer.

Print hello world in C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     printf("hello this world\n");
     return 0;

6 Markups

  • This is italic
  • This is bold
  • This is underlined
  • This is a variable, verbatim
  • this is deleted

This is a horizontal line

7 Drawers

This is a drawer

8 Footnots

The Org homepage1 now looks a lot better than it used to.

Inline definition 2.

Org homepage again 1. Don't tell others that the link is:

An issue about the footnote 3.

9 Links

This is a link do you like it?

10 Lists

  • plus
  • second plus
    • star
    • second star
      1. number
      2. second number
        1. number again
        2. second number again
    • third star
  • third plus

11 Math formula

The formula:

\[ f(x) = x^2 + 2 \]

where \(x\) is some value and \(f(x)\) returns the result.

12 TODO Buy a car

It's just an example :)

13 DONE Upload this file

  • add more examples
  • [ ] push to GitHub

14 Top level headline

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Watch “Jeopardy!”, Alex Trebek’s fun TV quiz game. How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! All questions asked by five watched experts — amaze the judge.

14.1 Two stars

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Watch “Jeopardy!”, Alex Trebek’s fun TV quiz game. How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! All questions asked by five watched experts — amaze the judge.

14.1.1 Three stars

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Watch “Jeopardy!”, Alex Trebek’s fun TV quiz game. How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! All questions asked by five watched experts — amaze the judge.

  1. Four stars

    The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Watch “Jeopardy!”, Alex Trebek’s fun TV quiz game. How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! All questions asked by five watched experts — amaze the judge.

    1. Five stars

      The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Watch “Jeopardy!”, Alex Trebek’s fun TV quiz game. How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! All questions asked by five watched experts — amaze the judge.

15 Table

Table 1: This is the plan for next weekdays
Monday Tuesday Wesday Thursday Friday This is a long weekend
work play study work party I have nothing to do
play study and work and play and party work party work I sing and dance and the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

16 Image

Figure 1: This is a tree taken by Tao. Source:

17 Internal links

  • one item
  • another item

    Here we refer to item 2.

    Please check the table 1 at section 15, and image 1 at section 16.

18 Special symbols

The mass of the sun is Msun = 1.989 x 1030 kg. The radius of the sun is Rsun = 6.96 x 108 m.

Angles are written as Greek letters α, β and γ.


org mode homepage
This is the inline definition of this footnote
The definition is wrapped in a paragraph (<p>) hence a new line

Author: Tao Peng

Created: 2020-12-23 Wed 20:41
